Sunday, October 25, 2009

2nd Birthday Pictures

I took Elisha's pictures for her 2nd birthday party invites.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Utah Arts Festival

We went to the Utah Arts Festival.
Elisha loves riding around on Matts shoulders.
Yes she learned body parts and had a blast saying "EYES" and poking his eyes for him!

Wyoming Downs

In July, Elisha, Matt and I went camping for a weekend in the trailer with Grandma and Grandpa Bringhurst. Paul and Camel and Pat and Barry all went too.
We all had lots of fun.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pool Fun

Elisha was very happy moving to our new place where we have a yard. We spent alot of time in the pool. (Yes WE! I can fit my behind in one of the little plastic pools!)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Greg's High School Graduation

Yes Greg is my "baby" brother....
Greg, Kaitlyn and I

The fam damily!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Wendover with Matt

In May I went to Wendover with Matt. I had a lot of fun. Elisha stayed with Grandma & Grandpa. Once I got over leaving her for a weekend I really enjoyed myself.

Friday, May 15, 2009

New Blog

Ok so i have decided it was time to do a new blog.
I think this is a great way to let everyone intersted keep up on whats going on in our life.
Elisha and I had such a twisted 2009, we had ups and downs. She learned so many new things and I had so much fun being there every step with her.
so here is a brief of 2009............
I met an amazing guy and we started in May. He is incredible to both Elisha and I.
We had lots of fun adventures.
I learned this past year to live and love again and how to celebrate those who are no longer with us. I struggled with Travis missing out on what Elisha did but I finally realized that I can sit around and be sad or at times even mad OR i can celebrate the things he did get to do while here. Elisha is so much her dad and I cant wait til she is a little older to tell her stories of him.
I will do better at keeping this updated.