Monday, May 18, 2009

Wendover with Matt

In May I went to Wendover with Matt. I had a lot of fun. Elisha stayed with Grandma & Grandpa. Once I got over leaving her for a weekend I really enjoyed myself.

Friday, May 15, 2009

New Blog

Ok so i have decided it was time to do a new blog.
I think this is a great way to let everyone intersted keep up on whats going on in our life.
Elisha and I had such a twisted 2009, we had ups and downs. She learned so many new things and I had so much fun being there every step with her.
so here is a brief of 2009............
I met an amazing guy and we started in May. He is incredible to both Elisha and I.
We had lots of fun adventures.
I learned this past year to live and love again and how to celebrate those who are no longer with us. I struggled with Travis missing out on what Elisha did but I finally realized that I can sit around and be sad or at times even mad OR i can celebrate the things he did get to do while here. Elisha is so much her dad and I cant wait til she is a little older to tell her stories of him.
I will do better at keeping this updated.