Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Name decision

So Matt and I decided on a name for baby, months ago actually and neither of us have changed our minds. I'm loving the name so I decided I would announce it to anyone out there who cares or is interested....
First I'll tell the story behind it... So when I first found out I was pregnant I made a list of names (girls and boys) and gave to Matt, needless to say he crossed off lots of them quickly. He had a boy name chosen and neither of us had fallen in love with a girl name yet, while at work one night I sent him a text and said what about Madeline or Madison? I immediately get back yes Madison like Matt... ok so then it was decided. so Maddy for short after her daddy Matt.   
So full name will be Maddyson Pat Slaymaker.
Both my girls have family first and middle names ironically so Maddy gets same, Matts moms name is Pat thus the middle name.
Now I feel that since the name has been decided she can come at any time!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Gardner Village

Elisha had a mama duck, daddy duck and baby ducks at Grandma and Grandpa Bringhurst in the spring and ever since she has loved ducks.

She got right up next to the ducks and was so happy.
.. Once one duck headed to the water she wanted to chase them.

Little Miss watchin the ducks.

Elisha checkin out the horses (ponies)

riding one of the ponies

ok, i know its just a little pony but I was so impressed with Elisha, she loved evey minute of it and acted like a little pro.

Grandma and Elisha and elisha's princess doll.

Elisha reading some paper while taking a lil break.

...and laying down. she said she was "tired" but she only sat still for 5 minutes.

                                                                 My little princess.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Ellie is such a silly little girl. Tonight she came out and wanted my camera, when I asked her why she said "CHEESE" so i turned the camera on and thought i would take pictures of her, she jumped on me and wanted me in the pictures.

I told her to pull a silly face. yep that's a curler in her mouth, no idea why.

attacking me

I love this picture, this is my baby in true form, she is so loving and cuddly.