Wednesday, March 30, 2011

On the GO!

Maddyson is such a little go getter! Just like she was in the NICU refusing to eat and then one day BAM! She ate and was home. Well she has been rolling for some time now but still doesn't sit up on her own and today she decided to start scooting! Such a bittersweet day for me, Where did my little newborn go?

 I'm so glad I had the camera handy so I could snap some pictures of her. It was so fun to watch,, it was like she was in a whole new world and she wouldn't stop moving til she wore herself out.

 This book is one of her favorite toys and when she saw it on the blanket she headed right for it.
 Yes I moved it to make her keep scooting after it.

This is the "mommy just pick me up now" face.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bella and Elisha

My good friend Mandy sells Lia Sophia and I had a party on Saturday. Our girls meet each other a week before and Elisha thought it was her jewlery party and was so insistent that her friend Bella come play during it. They were so cute. I went to check on them and this is what I found. They were laying in Elishas bed watching a movie on Bellas Iphone and they each had an ear bud to listen to it with.

And while Im at it if anyone is wanting to order some super cute and fun jewlery here is my friends site...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Little sister attacks!

 The girls were playing and Elisha wanted to watch Disney Channel and have Maddy lay down with her. It took Elisha about 2 mins to fall asleep and Maddy took advantage of the situation and climbed all over her.

I showed Elisha the pictures when she woke up and she was all surprised and had no idea Maddy climbed on her while she was out for the count.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

"Lets Celebrate" Disney on Ice

We grabbed something to eat at the gateway and walked over to Energy Solutions Arena from there. Elisha and Keeley got nice rides as you can see.

Maddy got a nice warm scenic ride as well AND I'm actually in a picture! Maybe I should wear my child more often.

 The girls were so excited and had lots of fun.  When the show started Elisha jumped out of her seat and started screaming so loud "Go Princesses Go!"

 Maddy slept thru the first half and then was awake and really good for the second part.

Elisha showing off her hat and dancing at home.

Elisha told everyone who would listen that she was going with her friend Keeley and baby sister Maddy to DISNEYLAND... yes thats right she called it Disneyland. She had so much fun and already wants to know when she gets to go again.
I had so much fun watching and listening to Elisha get so excited. Everytime a character would come out she would scream and clap.