Monday, May 16, 2011

Looking Back

May 16, 2009. Just an ordinary day... Nope not for me! Its a day I will always remember.
Matt invited me to go on "Pokeys Run" with him to Wendover. This was one of our first dates and my first time on his bike with him aside from around town fun. Anyway I had a good time. I had clung to Elisha for so long and gotten used to it just being her and I, it was really hard to leave her for an entire weekend. We both did just fine without each other. Anyway the trip was fun and on our way home I was kinda spacing off. Then I felt like someone hit me and I just thought "I'm alive!"
Pretty random I'm sure but I had spent so much time just trying to get by and thru to the next day and trying to hold everything together and be strong for Elisha I had not realized I had just been going thru the emotions and not really living.
Here I was sitting on the back of a bike, an amazing guy driving who knew the history and baggage and hadn't gotten scared off enough to run yet and I hadn't realized how he was bringing life back into me. Good thing he was in front because I started to cry and just let it go (if he would have asked what was wrong I figured bugs in my eyes was a good excuse)
Anyway, I think to this moment often and am thankful for it. Elisha was my rock and reason for sanity. Matt came into our lifes and brought us both new experiences and fun.

these pics were taken on the Salt Flats before we got to Wendover.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Maddy + Bubbles = Lots of fun

 The weather was finally good so I took Maddy outside to enjoy it. Elisha had left some bubbles out so i started blowing them for Maddy and she was instantly loving it. She would try to grab them and opened her mouth to eat them.

 I love this little face! She melts my heart when she does anything but when she smiles its so precious. She kept giggling and smiling the entire time. Moments like this are the ones that remind me how wonderful the little things in life are.
Look at those teeth! 2 on top and 2 on bottom.

Thanks for the fun entertainment little Miss Maddy!