Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas with Hawkes Family

Papa Jon, Maddy, Elisha and Grandma Christy

Elisha opening presents.

 Grandma Nae and Grandpa Ben and Maddy
                                                                Uncle Zack
                                          Grandma Nae, Maddy and Grandpa Ben
                                  Papa Jon, Maddy,Elisha and Grandma Christy

 Papa Jon and Grandma Christy gave the girls this huge doll house for Christmas. Elisha loves it! It has an entire level up on top that she has yet to discover because she is not tall enough. Santa's elves delivered it and got all of it set up except they ran out of time so they left the front doors for Matt and Elisha to put on. Elisha was so thrilled when she saw it that she just starred in awe.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

                                          Elisha and I made her letter to Santa.
 Santa's treats and drink. I tried telling Elisha that I thought Santa would really enjoy Diet Coke but she said he wanted grape crush!
                         (bad picture quality) Elisha and Matt throwing the reindeer food out.
                                                     Elisha shaking up the food
                                                        Reindeer food.
                                           Maddy in her chair Santa brought her.
                                                          Matt and Maddy.
                                               Little Miss Maddy on her 1st Christmas

This year I really looked forward to Christmas for lots of reasons, starting new traditions, having my own little family, Ellie really understood it so I couldn’t wait for her reaction, but most of all I just looked forward to it instead of just being sad. Elisha is getting to be such a big girl so she wanted to help with everything. She helped wrap presents and she would even tell everyone what they were getting! I enjoyed doing some baking on Christmas Eve day and she was right by my side. We even made reindeer food.

I realized this Christmas season how truly blessed I am.

Christmas Eve we spent the evening with Matts side of the family and on the way home we stopped at a place called “Christmas Utah” I had heard lots of great things about it but I never expected what happened. We pulled up and there were lights everywhere in this yard and it was synched to a radio station so you could listen, the tress would talk and it was simply amazing. The best part was that the narrator was saying that Santa was on his way and oh wait look there he is the window putting presents under the tree, Elisha started screaming with excitement and then worry that she needed to get home before Santa got to our house. We got home and Matt and Elisha threw out the reindeer food. She was ready for bed and then was out like that!

Christmas Morning I was the first one up and wanted to start the day right then! Elisha was up next and once she is up Maddy is as well. We had a nice relaxing but quick morning. Elisha went with her grandparents for the afternoon and evening. Matt and I were lazy and played a card game and then Maddy, Matt and I went to his Aunt and Uncles for dinner and a fun game. When Elisha got back home I thought she was going to be up all night playing. Grandma Christy and Papa Jon gave the girls a huge doll house and they even got Santa to deliver it.

I love my little family and I’m very thankful that I have them.

Merry Christmas 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lights at Temple Square

Elisha loves christmas and lights and everything that comes along with the holiday so we decided to have a fun little family night. first we ate at the Old Spaghetti Factory (my fav!) then we went to see the lights at Temple Square.

Elisha had so much fun looking at all the lights and running around and screaming "look theres more lights" I don't think she realized how cold it was outside.

Maddy is all bundled in the stroller but I still wanted her in a picture of some sort.

We sure had a fun family night even though it was cold. Matt and Elisha ran ahead of Maddy and I and watched the shows and had fun, I enjoyed walking thru slowly with Maddy and enjoying the peacefulness.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"say CHEESE"

Elisha is such a good big sister. She is always helping take care of Maddy. She has to have baths with her and they have to get dressed at the same time. She is always giving her loves and hugs and kisses.
She came up to me and handed me my camera and told me to take pictures of them together.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Decorating the Tree

Matt and Elisha decorated the tree (Maddy and I helped but I put it up and took the pictures) I had so much fun getting into the holiday spirit watching my little family put the decorations on and just enjoying it.

Elisha admiring her work. (she was so cute and kept telling Matt where to put the decorations and standing up on her toes to see how high she could get them)
 She was concentrating so hard and would step back and ask "that good there?" but she would not want your reply she would just quickly say "ya that looks good"

Growing up my grandparents always gave all the grandkids p.j.'s
 to open and wear on Christmas Eve, well I wanted to carry on and start new traditions so the girls got to open up their christmas p.j.'s before we decorated the tree.
All done and gifts under it.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Grandpa Bens Birthday Celebration at Maddox

 We all got together to celebrate Grandpa Bens birthday at Maddox.

 Amber,Wyatt,Nick, JanDee,Zack,Grandma Nae,Grandpa Ben,Mom,Dad, Maddyson,Me and Elisha.
Greg and Kaitlyn were not there, we all sure miss them.
 Grandma Nae with 3 of the 4 Great Granddaughters.
 Papa Jon with his youngest two Grandkids.  Wyatt and Maddyson.
Grandma Christy and Maddyson.

Friday, November 26, 2010


This year we had Thanksgiving at our house. As you can I was too busy to take pictures, yes I'm still kicking myself in the butt for not being on the ball and taking some.
I really enjoyed it though, it was not nearly as stressful as I thought it would be. It was Matt, the girls and me, Grandma Pat, Grandpa Barry, Great Grandma Linda and Ryan and Rylen. After the dinner Rhonda and Doug and the kids came over for pie. Matt took alot of the stress of cooking a turkey off me and deep fried it, it was a little over cooked but we know what to do differently next time and still had fun.
Matts Mom and Grandma helped out so much with making the food. I think I spent a week looking for darn chargers for the place seatings and thinking and worrying about the pies.
I made pumpkin, pecan and pumpkin cheesecake pies.
It was so nice to stay home and let Ellie run around in her own environment. It was a pretty relaxing Thanksgiving once it all got started.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Elisha's 3rd Birthday!

 On Saturday October 23 We celebrated Elisha's birthday (yes a day early) She had a wonderful party and got spoiled.

She changed her mind a million times on what kind of party she wanted, when she finally decided on TinkerBell she insisted she wear her princess dress too. (Grandma & Grandpa Bringhurst got her a new TinkerBell dress to wear for her party and Halloween)

The loot!

I sure love my little monkey and so glad that she is my little shadow. She is such a great helper and little mommy to Maddy. I look forward to all the new things she will learn and experience in the next year.