Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas with Hawkes Family

Papa Jon, Maddy, Elisha and Grandma Christy

Elisha opening presents.

 Grandma Nae and Grandpa Ben and Maddy
                                                                Uncle Zack
                                          Grandma Nae, Maddy and Grandpa Ben
                                  Papa Jon, Maddy,Elisha and Grandma Christy

 Papa Jon and Grandma Christy gave the girls this huge doll house for Christmas. Elisha loves it! It has an entire level up on top that she has yet to discover because she is not tall enough. Santa's elves delivered it and got all of it set up except they ran out of time so they left the front doors for Matt and Elisha to put on. Elisha was so thrilled when she saw it that she just starred in awe.

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