Friday, February 26, 2010

First Ultrasound

So today I had my first ultrasound... Yes the picture is blurry but you can tell there is a baby and only ONE!

I forgot how exciting it is to see the heart beating in the ultrasound!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


My Dishwasher not only cleans the dirty dishes it is also the reason the dishes get dirty!

Elisha is such a big helper with everything. She loves the get the step stool and will stand and wash all the dirty dishes until there are none left.

and by her doing the dishes the floor under her gets a nice wash too...

I love my little shadow and Im so glad she is such a big helper.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

My Climber

Ellie is staying true to her nickname "Monkey" she loves to climb onto anything no matter how high it is. I swear she is going to make my heart stop one of these days.

This is how she has been watching her t.v. in her room lately.. she climbs on her toybox and she hangs out... I even caught her with an uncooked bowl of noodles on top of her toy box that she was snackin on!

She is such a happy little girl. when I caught her doing this she just smiled at me.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Elisha loves OREO's as you can see from her face. she takes the cookies apart and eats the filling and then puts the cookies back together and it goes back in the package, once all the cookies have had the filling eaten she then eats the cookie parts itself.... Such a silly little girl!

I guess they taste better when they are all over her little face!