Friday, April 23, 2010

Potty Trained!

I am so proud of her. She has been wearing her big girl panties for almost 5 months but today marks one full week of no “ups” to bed and no accidents.
She is such a big girl! She did have a hard time not having a tippy cup at night but she is getting better.

Friday, April 9, 2010

and.... IT"S A GIRL

On Friday, Elisha and I got up extra early and drove to my parents house to pick up Kaitlyn for the weekend. We hurried back to Salt Lake and to the Dr office to meet Matt for the ultrasound.  Kaitlyn was so excited to see the baby.
Well..... It's a GIRL!!!
Kaitlyn had finally decided she wanted a brother and Elisha wanted a "matt-matt" for a long time then changed to a "kat-kat" then friday morning she wanted a dog!  
I'm actually relieved knowing its a girl, I have been so sick and I never was with Kaitlyn or Elisha but I know what to do with girls and all the ins and outs so I have no fears on that side of having a new little one.
And after thinking about the reasonably closeness in age for Elisha and this baby I think a girl will be great, The youngest two can be little side kicks (I hope)