Monday, July 19, 2010

Washing the bike

Everyday since we have moved to the new place Ellie has wanted to help Matt Matt wash his bike, Sunday they went to the store to get some stuff and soap so they could do it and all day today she has been waiting for Matt to get home from work so they could wash it. She did a great job helping and even got Matt wet a couple times.
After they got done she told me not to touch the bike because its clean. Silly girl! She thinks she is the protector of the bike and if I even get too close to it walking by she tells me to be careful.
At least Matt won't have to worry about the bike when he is not home.

She had lots of fun washing the bike but was not too happy that she didn't get a shammy like Matt's to dry it off with so she was pretty much done when the water got turned off.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Grocery shopping with lil Miss Independent

My little Ellie is so independent! She insists we grocery shop at Smiths because they have the carts that are her size. She does a really good job pushing it around the store, into the back of my ankles and legs AND adding anything to the cart that her little heart desires. Yep there sure is FOUR boxes of Popsicles!
She even knows how to use the self check out.