Thursday, August 12, 2010

Craft day!

I have been on the search for plates to go on my plate stand in my kitchen for a month now and late last night I came up with a great idea.. craft day with Ellie!
So off we went today to Color Me Mine.
What a fun time, She loved it! We will be going back for other fun projects very soon.
I helped with the hand print and she pretty much took over after that. She could have filled the entire plate with colors. She kept running back and getting different size polka dot stamps.

Concentrating so hard!

She was so careful and kept doing her "hmmmmm" face and thinking of what to do next.

She was thrilled when she got to be a big girl and use the paint brush.

I added the final touches of the  "E" and white dots on. I have such a little smarty pants, As i was drawing the E she tells me its "E" for her :)
After our little craft excursion we went to the mall and shopped a bit and then I let her decide what to do for lunch, She loves "dog-dogs" (hot dogs, corn dogs etc) so I assumed we would end up at hot dog on a stick but she chose the little bakery deli, GREAT CHOICE!! It was delicious and She ate really well.

And after a long day being a big girl she fell asleep in the car on the way home.

I had such a fun day with her, I realized that my little baby is growing up so fast. She is so independent and bossy most of the time but I'm glad she has a mind of her own. But at the end of the day she is still my cuddly little baby.
I'm so glad that she is my little shadow.
 I love you E.I.!
Thanks for a fun day out and i look forward to lots more fun craft projects now that I know how much you like to learn and try new things.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Shadow

Elisha loves to as she says "stir and stir" she always wants to make cookies or muffins.
She is such a big helper and it amazes me how good she is to not be too messy.
She is my little mix master, all I have to do is hand her to spoon and add all the ingredients to the bowl and we are on our way to happiness for both of us!

Stirring and stirring the cookie mix

Eating the cookies, and what great baker can eat one cookie at a time!?

She was so proud of herself and says the cookies are "gooooooodddddd"

patiently watching the cookies bake.

The finished product. I let Elisha "roll" her own cookies and I helped her do the ones with sprinkles. We still ended up with sprinkles everywhere because they are so "pretty" as she says.

After we got done with the cookies we cleaned up the kitchen and Elisha was so helpful with loading the dishwasher and wiping off the counters and eating cookies while she worked.
I told her once we were done that she could take a break and watch a movie while I cleaned the bathrooms, next thing I know my little shadow is in the bathroom with me and helping me clean the pottys.

I have never been a believer in child labor but right now its such a pain to bend over and clean so I say "BRING IT ON!"

She was laughing and I'm so glad I caught it on camera to show her one day that once upon a time she really enjoyed helping me!

After the bathrooms she was on the hunt for other things to clean and ended up cleaning all of her little finger prints off the patio doors.

I'm such a lucky mom to have such a helpful little shadow that not only wants to help and be involved in everything but does it all with a smile.