Saturday, September 11, 2010

Maddyson is here!

On Thursday night I started feeling "good" I had been having contractions at work all night but nothing real painful or consistent so after work I cleaned up the house a bit and started getting ready to go to the hospital. I assumed it would be a repeat of Elisha's labor so I was certain they would send me home but I still just had a feeling Maddy would soon be on her way.
As I was blow drying my hair Matt woke up and wanted to know what was going on, I calmly told him we were going to the hospital to have a baby. He jumped out of bed and asked why I was so nonchalant about it. I laughed and said well I'm not in pain but i think its time.
So not knowing what would be the outcome we took Ellie with us and figured we could call for someone to get her if needed. Matts mom went up to the hospital with us. They got me all hooked up to the monitors and everything seemed ok. they checked me and I was barely dilated to almost a 2. At this point we all figured we were going home. When the nurse came in to check me again the monitors lost Maddys heart rate. It got little frantic trying to figure out what was going on. I got all geared up with the oxygen and knew something was wrong, Matt called Grandma Leslie to come get Ellie and by the time he got back into the room I was signing papers for an emergency c section. less than 10 mins later we were in the operating room. The cord had gotten wrapped around Maddys neck two times and she was purple when made her arrival. My placenta has ruptured when they were laying my down after the spinal tap.
Maddy made her arrival at 5:45 A.M. on Sept 10th.
She was 4lbs 13oz and 18inches long
She swallowed alot of fluid in the womb so she went right to the Nicu.

She had to have an antibiotic for the first couple days to clear the fluid off her lungs. She also had an iv of fluids and lipids and she was on oxygen.
We couldn't hold her until Saturday at 9:00 A.M. (which was way too long for a stubborn Mommy who tried to get out of bed when I still couldn't move my legs)

My first time holding my precious little Maddyson
Her first day she was in an open chamber, she had to hold her own body temperature, which she did and by Saturday morning she wen to a normal bassinet and was able to get some clothes and a blanket on.

This was such a scary experience and I'm so thankful Maddy is here and safe and healthy.
I would not have made it through this without Matt! He was wonderful and put up with me in my craziness. After I got to me room I was starving and wanted a "damn Diet Coke" the nurses kept telling me I had to wait, then a couple minutes later they gave in..well i came right back up! Matt was great to hold my hand through all of it. I'm pretty sure if he didn't know how stubborn I could be before he certainly knows now!

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