Thursday, February 24, 2011

Maddys first tooth

Maddy's first little tooth has made its way through her gums and we can barely see it now, its much easier to feel it as Matt learned.
I wanted to try and get a picture of it but Maddy was trying to grab the camera to eat it.

She is a slobbery, drolly little stinker but I love her to pieces.

Monday, February 21, 2011

New Beds

Maddy made the move into her crib and into her own room! Matt got her bed all set up and I was hoping that she would have a hard time and want to stay in her bassinet in our room for a little longer BUT she LOVED it!

 Her first night in it she rolled all over and seemed to enjoy all the extra room. She even slept through the night (that is nothing new for her but I was shocked considering a new bed and new room)
Elisha got a "big girl room" makeover too. She had a toodler day bed but she kept falling out of it and wanted to have a bigger one so we converted it into the full size bed.  We went shopping and she got to pick out her new bedding. She changed her mind a million times before the day of shopping. She picked out flower bedding and light pink and dark pink sheets (she still thinks she needs purple sheets too!) Then she needed a princess and a tinkerbell pillowcase and a little tinkerbell and princess decorative pillows. Yep that means she has 6 full size pillows on her bed and 2 little ones.

 She loved her new bed and was out fast. I could barely see her when I snuck in to check on her and take a picture for all the pillows.

Now looking at these pictures I have to laugh thinking how out and comfortable they both must have been to sleep through their silly mom taking pictures of them!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Getting the girls ears pierced

Elisha got her ears pierced when she was around 10 months old, well she did great until she was about 2 and then she would want them in and out and eventually the holes closed up.
I have been wanting to get Maddys done and Elisha said she would get hers redone at the same time. Well we were at the mall and walked past the jewelry store and Elisha said "please please please lets pierce my ears"  So we went in to see if Maddy was old enough and Yep sure enough she was so both girls got them done.
Elisha climbed up in the chair like such a big girl and didnt want to hold my hand. She cried and was not happy but after a little nap she was just fine and wanted to show off her ears. The girls got their birth stone colors so Elishas are pink and Maddys are blue.

She was starting to get a little nervous.

 Dad holding Maddy. She got more upset over holding her still to mark her ears than she did when she actually got them pierced.
This picture makes me sad but she stopped crying seconds after it was over.

Both girls look so cute with their ears pierced and Elisha has wanted to tell and show everyone their ears.

Birthday Party for Keeley

Elisha got invited to her little friend KeeLeys birthday party and she could hardly wait for the day to come. Everyday she would ask me if today was the day. Last night she had the hardest time going to sleep because she wanted to talk about what they would do at the party. When I woke her up today she was so happy, she got upset when I got her clothes out and wanted to wear her football shirt. ( the last couple times they have played together has been during football games)

Elisha didn't want to ride any of the rides with the other kids but decided to try the bumper cars. The plan was to have Matt ride with her but she kicked him out before it started.

 She had great fun going around in a circle for about four minutes and then she started screamin that she was done and wanted out. So Matt got her out of the car and off they went to play more games.

 Elisha would be awesome at Skee-ball if she could throw the ball straight instead of to the lanes next to her.

 Eating pizza and cake.
Elisha sure had a fun time and was so happy to play with KeeLey again. After we left she was already wanting to talk about her next birthday party... Silly Girl!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl 2011- Steelers vs Packers

It is no secret, Im not a Steelers fan! But Matt sure is and he has gotten Elisha into really watching football with him this year. Maddy has no choice yet but to go with the flow. It was actually a real fun year to listen to Matt and Elisha during the games. Elisha enjoyed getting all the chips and dips out. One of the first games of the year Matt was yelling at the T.V. "Go Eli"  Elisha used to tell people her name was "E I" so she thought Matt was telling her to go!  Anyway it turned out real funny once she figured out he was just yelling at the T.V.  Before every game started Matt would tell her the colors of the teams playing and let her pick what one she was cheering for. 

 We spent the Super Bowl At Kyle and Tiffanys. Elisha thinks its the best day ever when she gets to play with the daughter (her little friend) KeeLey.
 I was taking pictures and KeeLey was directing me when to take them of her.
 KeeLey and Elisha riding the bike together.
                                            Looks like the cupcake was good!

Needless to say the Steelers lost this year, not sure I would admit this if I thought Matt would ever actually read this but I was a little sad for him. I thought the car ride home was going to be hell but he was fine. I think he was just as tired as the girls from the days activities and all the good food.

 Saturday evening the girls and I made cupcakes. We did yellow frosting with black and white sprinkles. (thats the closest I could get to steeler themed treats)   and when I say the girls and I you can see they both really did help. Maddy was just chilling in her little chair watching but she was so content.
I sure do love all the poses and facials that come out of Elisha!