Monday, February 21, 2011

New Beds

Maddy made the move into her crib and into her own room! Matt got her bed all set up and I was hoping that she would have a hard time and want to stay in her bassinet in our room for a little longer BUT she LOVED it!

 Her first night in it she rolled all over and seemed to enjoy all the extra room. She even slept through the night (that is nothing new for her but I was shocked considering a new bed and new room)
Elisha got a "big girl room" makeover too. She had a toodler day bed but she kept falling out of it and wanted to have a bigger one so we converted it into the full size bed.  We went shopping and she got to pick out her new bedding. She changed her mind a million times before the day of shopping. She picked out flower bedding and light pink and dark pink sheets (she still thinks she needs purple sheets too!) Then she needed a princess and a tinkerbell pillowcase and a little tinkerbell and princess decorative pillows. Yep that means she has 6 full size pillows on her bed and 2 little ones.

 She loved her new bed and was out fast. I could barely see her when I snuck in to check on her and take a picture for all the pillows.

Now looking at these pictures I have to laugh thinking how out and comfortable they both must have been to sleep through their silly mom taking pictures of them!

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