Elisha got her ears pierced when she was around 10 months old, well she did great until she was about 2 and then she would want them in and out and eventually the holes closed up.
I have been wanting to get Maddys done and Elisha said she would get hers redone at the same time. Well we were at the mall and walked past the jewelry store and Elisha said "please please please lets pierce my ears" So we went in to see if Maddy was old enough and Yep sure enough she was so both girls got them done.
Elisha climbed up in the chair like such a big girl and didnt want to hold my hand. She cried and was not happy but after a little nap she was just fine and wanted to show off her ears. The girls got their birth stone colors so Elishas are pink and Maddys are blue.
She was starting to get a little nervous.
Dad holding Maddy. She got more upset over holding her still to mark her ears than she did when she actually got them pierced.
This picture makes me sad but she stopped crying seconds after it was over.
Both girls look so cute with their ears pierced and Elisha has wanted to tell and show everyone their ears.
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